Creating table indexes in MySQL

You may ask, what is a table index and how will it help performance? Table indexes provide MySQL a more efficient way to retrieve records. I often like to use the following example to explain it:

Imagine you have a phone book in front of you, and there are no letters in the top right corner that you can reference if you are looking up a last name. Therefore, you have to search page by page through hundreds of pages that have tens of thousands of results. Very inefficient and intensive. Think of this as a full table scan.

Now picture the phone book having the letter references in the top right corner. You can flip right to section “La – Lf” and only have to search through a smaller result set. The time to find the results is must faster and easier.

Common symptoms where this logic can be applied is when you log onto a server and see MySQL frequently chewing up a lot of CPU time, either constantly, or in spikes. The slow-query-log is also a great indicator cause if the query is taking a long time to execute, chances are it was because the query was making MySQL work too hard performing full table scans.

The information below will provide you with the tools to help identify these inefficient queries and how to help speed them up.

There are 2 common ways to identify queries that are very inefficient and may be creating CPU contention issues:

View MySQL’s process list:

When entering into MySQL CLI, you will want to look for any queries that you see that are often running to evaluate. You can see the queries by:

show processlist;

View slow queries log:

To view this, first check to ensure the slow-query-log variables are enabled in the my.cnf:


Now, lets look at an example of a slow query that got logged. Please note, these queries got logged here cause they took longer to run then the max seconds defined on long_query_time:

# Time: 110404 22:45:25
# User@Host: wpadmin[wordpressdb] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 14.609104  Lock_time: 0.000054 Rows_sent: 4  Rows_examined: 83532
SET timestamp=1301957125;
SELECT * FROM wp_table WHERE `key`='5544dDSDFjjghhd2544xGFDE' AND `carrier`='13';

Here is a query that we know is know runs often, and takes over 5 seconds to execute:

SELECT * FROM wp_table WHERE `key`='5544dDSDFjjghhd2544xGFDE' AND `carrier`='13';

Within the MySQL cli, run the following to view some more details about this query:

explain SELECT * FROM wp_table WHERE `key`='5544dDSDFjjghhd2544xGFDE' AND `carrier`='13';
| id | select_type | table      | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | wp_table   | ALL  | NULL          | NULL |    NULL | NULL | 83532 | Using where |

The 2 important fields here are:

- Type: When you see "ALL", MySQL is performing a full table scan which is a very CPU intensive operation.
- Row: This is the total amount of rows returned in the table, so 83,000 results is a lot to sort through.

In general, when you are creating an index, you want to choose a field that has the highest amount of unique characters. In our case, we are going to use the field ‘key’ as shown below:

create index key_idx on wp_table(`key`);

Now, lets rerun our explain to see if the query is now returning less rows:

explain SELECT * FROM wp_table WHERE `key`='5544dDSDFjjghhd2544xGFDE' AND `carrier`='13';
| id | select_type | table      | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | wp_table   | ALL  | NULL          | NULL |    NULL | NULL | 13    | Using where |

This is much better. Now each time that common query runs, MySQL will only have to go through 13 rows, instead of it having to check through 83,000.

Important note: Each time a table is updated, MySQL has to update the indexes, which could create some performance issues. Therefore, its recommended to keep the amount of indexes per table low, perhaps in the 4-6 range.

How to see what indexes already exist on a table and their cardinality:

show indexes from wp_table;

How to remove a table index:

delete index key_idx from wp_table;